3-2 Motion Basketball Plays Animation

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First read "Motion Offense Principles" and 3-Out 2-In Motion Offense. Use these simple plays with the 3-2 motion offense - simple enough for even youth teams. There are also links below to many more plays that can be used with the 3-2 offense.


This simple wing ball-screen play is difficult to defend. O1 passes to O3 (diagram A). O5 slides up to the ballside elbow and then ball-screens for O3, and the pick and roll is on. O3 dribbles around the screen as O5 seals and rolls to the hoop.

Notice that we have cleared out the weakside, hoping to occupy their helpside defenders. O1 screens for O2 and they exchange spots. For spacing, O2 locates a little to the right at the lane line extended slot. O4 moves out to the short corner. O1 might have a kick-out pass to O2 or O1. You can run this play to the right side too and call it "42".

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