80-60-40 Press Breakers Basketball Animation

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First, see the articles on "Transition Offense" and "Attacking the Full-Court Press".

The "80", "60", and "40" press-breakers, along with "3-thru" should take care of any presses that you encounter, as long as you stay calm and are on the attack. Think of the court in four sections. Full court = "80", 3/4 court = "60", half-court = "40" and 1/4 court = "20".

Examples of various press defenses are:
Deny presses. For terminology purposes, if the defense is denying the inbounds pass (a deny press), we add the number 1. A full-court "80" press with full denial of the inbounds pass, is called an "81" press. A 3/4 court "60" press with inbounds denial, is called a "61" press.

Use this drill progression in teaching these press offenses.

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