Flex Offense Basketball Animation

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The Flex offense is a patterned offense featuring passing, screening, the "flex cut", ball-reversal, options and counters. This offense is most effective against man-to-man defenses, and has been used by many high school teams.

Most scoring opportunities come off the "flex cut" inside, or a jump-shot from the elbows. You can run various options, counters, post plays, etc. Size mis-matches often occur due to the screening and defensive switching. This article describes the basic flex motion and a few options.

Advantages of the Flex offense are that it is a patterned offense with continuity, it is somewhat flexible, and it is relatively easy to teach.

Disadvantages are it's predictability, and that it can be defended by switching the screens. To effectively run the Flex offense, most coaches will use a few counter plays to make it less predictable. If the defense switches screens, you can actually exploit this and take advantage of big-little defensive mis-matches.

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