Basketball Play Loyala Animation

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Here's a great play for your point guard. After attacking the right seam a couple times, now is a good time to run "Loyola". Loyola is similar, except run into the top left seam. Now the X1 defender is trying to deny that right seam, so we have O1 make a cross-over dribble and attack the left seam. O3 drops deep into the left corner, O4 and O5 move to the right side, and O2 pops out on top as our safety. The key here is for O1 to be patient, and not attack until he/she sees that the post players are off the to right side and O3 is in the corner (diagram A).

basketball play Loyola basketball play Loyola basketball play Loyola

Notice in diagram C, that if O1 passes out to O3, O1 cross-screens for the opposite post player. We also have O5 back-screen for O4, and then O5 also back-screens for O2 (and then O5 rolls to the hoop). This maintains some movement away from the ball, and keeps the help defenders occupied.

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