High Pick and Roll Set Plays Basketball Animation

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The pick and roll remains a very effective offensive weapon when run correctly. Years ago, John Stockton and Karl Malone of the Utah Jazz almost made it into an art form.

An important point that many coaches fail to appreciate... do not run a high pick and roll play with less than 7-8 seconds left on the clock. If you do, the defense can jump out on the ball, forcing the ball away from the hoop as precious seconds are lost, and usually you end up getting a poor shot or no shot at all.

This play gives us several options and has the option of even running two pick and rolls. We can run this play out of any set offense, just give it a name and call it out. We can run it to either side, and the initial direction of the first screen determines which side.

Diagram A shows our wings O2 and O3 starting down near the corners. Post players are O4 and O5, and since the elbow shot is an option, the post player starting low (here O5) is your better shooter. O4 comes out just above the arc and sets a solid screen for O1. We don't want this too high (or too low)... spacing is important. O4 must have his feet set and body still to avoid an illegal screen call.

basketball pick and roll play - high pick and rollbasketball pick and roll play - high pick and rollbasketball pick and roll play - high pick and roll

O1 dribbles tightly (shoulder to shoulder) around the pick and O4 rolls to the hoop. O5 cuts up to the elbow. O1 has the option of the dribble-drive to the hoop (diagram A), and possible kick-out pass to O2 in the corner (if X2 is helping inside). Or, O1 can pass to O4 rolling to the hoop (diagram B).

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