Man-to-Man Pressure Defense Basketball Animation

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Man-to-man defense enables us to pressure the ball ("on-ball defense"), while still protecting the basket ("helpside defense"). I love watching a well-coached team that plays great man-to-man pressure defense. Good man-to-man defense is a team defense, not just five individuals guarding their own man, but five players working together. Quote: "The best man defense looks like a zone and the best zone defense looks like a man."

This very detailed presentation is broken down into three parts. This page explains the important, basic man-to-man fundamentals.

Also see:
Man-to-Man Pressure Defense (Part 2) - defending the low post, cutters, and special situations.
Man-to-Man Pressure Defense (Part 3) - defending screens (pick and roll, perimeter lateral screens, post screens, down-screens and back-screens.

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