Basketball Fundamentals - Player Instruction, Tips and Development
By Dr. James Gels, From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook"Helping coaches coach better..."
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Tip: Basketball Coaching 101 - How to use this basketball playbook
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Tip: Basketball Coaching 101 - How to use this basketball playbook
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A former collegiate and NFL head coach once told me jokingly, "I was a better coach when I had good players." - of course, more wins!
It's much easier to win when you have good players. Great game-coaching cannot make up for poor talent and unskilled players. Players must be taught the correct fundamentals starting early in their development.
Youth coaches should spend most or their practice time (80-90%) teaching fundamentals and not worry too much about wins and losses. High school coaches will continue teaching fundamentals (about 50% of practice time) and also teach team skills, plays, etc.
Players must learn footwork, how to handle the ball, dribble, basic dribble moves, pass and catch, shoot correctly, play defense, rebound, cut, screen, etc. And don't forget basketball IQ, mental aspects, conditioning, training and nutrition that are just as important.
With over 25 years as an elite basketball trainer Ganon Baker now believes that the most important thing to teach players very early on is to go hard, fight and compete, and focus.
See this video:
From Coach Gels: there can be a fine line between (1) encouraging young kids to fight and compete, and (2) bullying and pushing them too hard (we've all seen those parents and coaches). It has to be done in a positive, encouraging manner... the art of coaching!
From Coach Gels: there can be a fine line between (1) encouraging young kids to fight and compete, and (2) bullying and pushing them too hard (we've all seen those parents and coaches). It has to be done in a positive, encouraging manner... the art of coaching!
Basketball Player Fundamentals
Point Guards:
How to Become a Good Point Guard... tips for point guards.
Seven Key Concepts that Every Good Point Guard Needs to Know... tips from All-American Dena Evans at PGC Basketball.
Perimeter Players (Guards):Seven Key Concepts that Every Good Point Guard Needs to Know... tips from All-American Dena Evans at PGC Basketball.
Guard Moves, Perimeter Play... how to play on the perimeter, triple-treat, jab step moves, attacking the defender, cutting, etc.
Pro (Advanced) Guard Moves for Finishing Around the Basket... Rondo Fake Finish, Euro Step Finish, Pro Hop Finish, Jamal Crawford Finish, Kobe Bryant Pound Pivot Finish, and Steve Nash Back Leg Finish.
Pro (Advanced) Guard Moves for Finishing Around the Basket... Rondo Fake Finish, Euro Step Finish, Pro Hop Finish, Jamal Crawford Finish, Kobe Bryant Pound Pivot Finish, and Steve Nash Back Leg Finish.

How to Become a Good Post Player... playing the low and high post, and short corner.
Tips for Short Post Players - Playing the High Post and Short Corners... "separation instead of confrontation", using the high post, and short corners.
Footwork Progression Drills for Post Players
Rebounding... box-out, defensive and offensive rebounding, free-throw rebounding.
Ball-Handling and Dribbling:Tips for Short Post Players - Playing the High Post and Short Corners... "separation instead of confrontation", using the high post, and short corners.
Footwork Progression Drills for Post Players
Rebounding... box-out, defensive and offensive rebounding, free-throw rebounding.
Ball-Handling... ball-handling tips and drills.
Dribbling and Dribble-Moves... all players must learn to dribble well.
Shooting:Dribbling and Dribble-Moves... all players must learn to dribble well.
Lay-ups and Finishing Moves... correct lay-up footwork and technique, reverse lay-up, inside hand lay-up, pro-hop finish, floaters, Euro step.
Shooting Fundamentals, Form and Technique... teach your players how to shoot correctly.
Shot Selection... the importance of getting good shots.
Individual Shooting Work-Out... individual shooting practice work-out for players.
Shooting Tips from NBA Coach Hal Wissel ... a series of shooting articles from an expert.
Hook-Shots... teaching how to shoot the classic hook-shot, the sky-hook and the jump-hook.
How to Become a Good Free-Throw Shooter... good free-throw shooting will win those close games for you.
Foul Shooting... tips from coach Ari Fisher.
Shooting Fundamentals, Form and Technique... teach your players how to shoot correctly.
Shot Selection... the importance of getting good shots.
Individual Shooting Work-Out... individual shooting practice work-out for players.
Shooting Tips from NBA Coach Hal Wissel ... a series of shooting articles from an expert.
Coaching Shooting
Shooting Mechanics
Confidence and Rhythm
Correcting Shooting Errors
Developing a Quick Release
3-Point Shooting, Rhythm and Range
Shooting Free-Throws
Shooting a Hook Shot
Basic Lead-Up ShootingDrills
Off the Dribble Shooting Drills
Jump-Shot... teaching how to shoot the jump-shot.Shooting Mechanics
Confidence and Rhythm
Correcting Shooting Errors
Developing a Quick Release
3-Point Shooting, Rhythm and Range
Shooting Free-Throws
Shooting a Hook Shot
Basic Lead-Up ShootingDrills
Off the Dribble Shooting Drills
Hook-Shots... teaching how to shoot the classic hook-shot, the sky-hook and the jump-hook.
How to Become a Good Free-Throw Shooter... good free-throw shooting will win those close games for you.
Foul Shooting... tips from coach Ari Fisher.

More Offensive Skills:
Footwork Fundamentals... triple threat position, pivoting, defensive stance and slides, jab step, cutting, jump-stop, etc.
Passing Fundamentals... good passing is key.
Offensive Tips for Youth Players... basic, simple offensive tips.
Cutting and Faking... teach your players how to cut and fake and move without the ball.
Setting (and Using) Screens... teach how to set good screens.
Spacing and Movement - Moving Without the Ball... what to do when you don't have the ball.
How to Score, Even If You Aren't As Skilled as Your Opponent
Escaping from a Trap... how to avoid and escape a trap.
Transition Offense Fundamentals... teaching transition offense, the fast-break, 2-on-1, 3-on-2, etc.
Defensive Skills:Passing Fundamentals... good passing is key.
Offensive Tips for Youth Players... basic, simple offensive tips.
Cutting and Faking... teach your players how to cut and fake and move without the ball.
Setting (and Using) Screens... teach how to set good screens.
Spacing and Movement - Moving Without the Ball... what to do when you don't have the ball.
How to Score, Even If You Aren't As Skilled as Your Opponent
Escaping from a Trap... how to avoid and escape a trap.
Transition Offense Fundamentals... teaching transition offense, the fast-break, 2-on-1, 3-on-2, etc.
Defensive Tips for Players... some basic defensive tips for players are presented.
Defensive Close-Outs and Drills... how to close-out on defense.
Man-to-Man Defensive Techniques... teach on-ball defense, deny, helpside, etc.
Mental Aspects:Defensive Close-Outs and Drills... how to close-out on defense.
Man-to-Man Defensive Techniques... teach on-ball defense, deny, helpside, etc.

Mental Aspects / Other Stuff
Toughness by Jay Bilas
Mental Prep Playbook
The Exceptional Player
Guide for Serious Basketball Players
Keys to Becoming a Great Player
Things Good Basketball Players Do
Basketball Tips: Being a Team Leader
How to Make the Team, Try-Outs
Tips to Dominate Tryouts
Things to Think About
Attitude, the "Right Stuff"
The Role Player
Mental Focus - Stay in the Present
Play Big: Believe in Greatness!
Reading The Court - Mastering The Moment
Playing With Gratitude
Playing Smart
Importance of a Strong Coach-Athlete Relationship
Other Stuff for Players:
How to Maximize Basketball Skill Development
How to Enhance Basketball Abilities off the Court
Top 5 Mistakes Players Make When They Workout
Academics and the Student Athlete
Make Your Mark - Selecting a College
When Individual Basketball Instruction Goes Too Far
Smaller Basketball Players: Perhaps the Best Athletes of All
Dealing with Lack of Playing Time
Having a Practice Program
Seven Benefits of Playing Multiple Sports
Why Doesn't Johnny Practice Any More?
Don't Waste Your Time Getting Seen Before You Get Good
Individual Shooting Work-Out
How to Improve Your Vertical
Alan Stein's Training Drills
Basketball Speed Starts with Stopping
Nutrition, What To Eat
Food Supplements
Why Wearing Proper Footwear Matters
Simple, Fun Driveway Games
Basketball Terminology
Basketball History