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Coach's Clipboard Testimonials and Customer Reviews

By Dr. James Gels, From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook
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"Coach's Clipboard is the oldest and most informational basketball website in the world. I use it daily." - Ganon Baker

Watch this video from elite trainer Ganon Baker - about Coach's Clipboard. Thanks Ganon!
Visit Ganon Baker Basketball.

"I have really enjoyed your web site!! As a former NBA coach I wanted to compliment you have done a great job." - Eric P Musselman

"Thanks for all the help last year. My 6th grade girls team went undefeated in league play and won the league championship last year. I attribute much of the team's success to concepts taught straight from Coaches Clipboard." - Coach L.G.

"I just stumbled upon your site today when doing a Google search! WOW! We have a coaches newsletter that goes out to over 10,000 coaches nationally. Would you mind if I included a couple articles from your page? Your website is terrific and I really wanted to help spread the word." - Mario Mercurio, Xavier Men's Basketball

"James, great site for all levels... a real service to all levels of basketball coaching." - Bob Kloppenberg, former NBA coach and defensive guru

"Coach Gels, I would like to start out by saying coachesclipboard.net is the best basketball reference I have ever found on the net." - Coach J.S.

"I have enjoyed your site for the past 2 1/2 years now and have built and improved my coaching philosophy on many of the concepts, drills, and advice given - keep up the good work!" - Coach T.G.

"Wow! This is great, it is definitely a deal. I really appreciate this." - Coach A.Q.

"Just wanted to let you know how successful your play called Slip has been with a 7th grade school team I coached last year." - Coach J.F.

"Thanks for putting together such a fantastic resource and making it available on the web. I run a little high school on a small island in the western Pacific. The Coach's Clipboard lets all of us tap into your many years of experience and knowledge. The Coach's Clipboard is exactly what we've been looking for: a comprehensive playbook with a great philosophy covering all aspects of youth basketball in a very readable and easy to use format. You are providing a wonderful service and we are very grateful." - Fr. J.C.

"Thanks for your great web site! I have been coaching a YMCA team of 12-13 yr olds for the last month and it has become my first and last stop for idea's." - Coach G.D.

"I just wanted to say thanks for having your web site, it is a revelation and an excellent resource. I have just started coaching a bunch of great 11 year old boys... your site has been a bit of a savior." - Coach F.

"I regularly log on to your web page looking for inspiration. I'm like many others a parent/ turned coach due to lack of resources at the local Level, and I must admit that the information that I have gathered from you has been invaluable." - Coach G

"I am the coach for the Royal Bahamas Defence Force basketball team. I have found your site to be quite informative." - A/M Coach O.D., R.B.D.F Mariners, Nassau, Bahamas

"Coach Gels thank you very much for your quick response to my questions." - C.Z.

"Your website has been the BEST resource for learning how to coach. What a great resource! I have applied your info and made my own variations that work great for my son's 5th Grade All Net team." - Coach G.C.

"Fantastic basketball information! Your teaching on fundamentals has made me a far better basketball coach. I have used and modified many of your plays with our team and I especially find your information on breaking down zones very helpful." - Coach G.B.

"I recently purchased your Basketball CD (USB drive) and I have enjoyed every moment in review. I must say your program is the best organized and fundamentally sound for a new or experienced coach." - Coach E.E.

"I represent Coach Larry Drew of the Atlanta Hawks and really enjoy your site. Again, I enjoyed the thoroughness of your site." - Coach Ed Bird Song, Director, Larry Drew Advanced Guard Academy, Special Assistant Atlanta Hawks

"I am Head of School & head boys basketball coach at an inner city college preparatory school in Pittsburgh. Your website has been a wonderful resource for drills and ideas and I wanted to pass along my congratulations. You are making more things possible than you know in more situations than you know." - Coach T

"I have been visiting your web site for 2 years now and I think it is the best of its kind. I coach 3 thru 6 grade boys and girls but I have been able to develop a good program and I credit a lot of my success to your web page." - J.R.

"We recently discovered your web site and we would like to ask you the permission to translate some of your very competent pages into Romanian." - D.U., Romania

"We are about to launch an Australian based basketball website in the coming weeks and would like to place some of your articles on the site for the Aussie basketball players/athletes. Your articles are fantastic and I think many of the athletes could benefit from reading them." - L.B., Australia

"Coach Gels, I just wanted to send a quick note thanking you for all your work on your website. For me it is probably the best and easiest to use basketball coaching site around, and I'm always telling fellow coaches how good it is". - Coach A. F., Scotland

"Dr. Jim- I really love your site and everyone I share it with is very, very impressed." - Coach C.M.

"I am impressed with the breadth of information in your Coach's Clipboard product. I purchased a few copies of your player's CDs (USBs) for my varsity team a few years back. It was very helpful in teaching the drills and skills we worked on in practice." - Coach C.P.

"Your website is by far the best website on the internet in its field! I am a public middle school coach and have gotten many plays and drills, including man and zone offense from your site!" - M.M.

"I am a part of an organization that runs a summer camp for kids with ADHD. One of the ways in which we work with kids is through sports and we really like the drills that you have on your website." - J.O.

"James, I want to thank you for your website and all the great content you offer. Being relatively new to coaching basketball, I really leaned on your website to help with my preparation, team drills, technique and plays for the team. I inherited a team that went 3-13 last year. With help from your website, we finished the year 17-3 and won the regional championship! Thank you for your help this year." - Coach D.A.

"I subscribe to the coaches clipboard and I'm letting you know I love it. It's a very valuable tool that has helped me tremendously. Good work Mr. Gels" - E.M.

"Thank you, your information helped my team take 2nd in State and looking forward to utilizing it again!!" - Coach John T.

"I want to thank you for your site. I use it daily. It has helped teach me the game and helped me lead my teams. Best resource for basketball on the web." - Coach D

"Your website is a great source for me and other coaches for a long time now. It covers a lot of basketball items. I use it a lot to search for new information because it's up to date. It helps me a lot to develop myself as a coach." - Coach Robert de Wit, Holland

"Hey Coach, just purchased your Premium Membership. It’s awesome! Tons of great stuff for coaches. Thanks!" - Coach Bill

Final story... I was coaching a girls team several years ago, when we lost at the buzzer to a very good team. After the game, the opposing coach told me that the buzzer-beater play they won with, he had gotten off my website! Hated to lose, but a real nice compliment. - Coach Gels