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Basketball Defense - the Point-Zone Defense

By Dr. James Gels, From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook
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Dean Smith
Dean Smith

The "point-zone defense" is a zone defense devised by coaching legend Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina. It has been used down through the years by succeeding coaches in that program. Coach Smith maintained that it is an effective zone defense, and is very easy to teach, requiring little practice time for your players to learn it.

The point-zone defense has the advantages of getting pressure on the ball while still protecting the paint, and it is confusing for the opponent. It looks like a 2-3 zone defense initially, and at other times has the appearance of a 1-3-1 zone. The point-zone defense can be used against both one-guard and two-guard zone offenses.


X1 and X4 work in a straight line as partners, and similarly X2 and X3 are partners. In diagram A, the ball is on the top and X1 points to the ball while his partner X4 is on a straight line to the basket in the paint. This is described as "point-partner-paint" (the partner of the pointer is in the paint). The X2 and X3 defenders are in a line perpendicular to X1 and X4 creating a defensive "X". And if you can imagine X5 in the middle, it would look like a 1-3-1 zone.

Point-Zone Defense - rules, Partners Point-Zone Defense - rules, Partners

In diagram B, the ball is on the right wing, and X2 points the ball. X3 drops into the paint protecting the weakside block and has weakside box-out, rebounding responsibility. X1 drops to the free-throw line and denies the pass into the high-post, while X4 moves to the ball-side block - short corner area.

Diagram C shows the initial pass going to the left wing. X3 points the ball with X2 dropping to the weakside block. We use X3 here to point the ball rather than X1, as X1 has to be available to point to the top if the ball is passed back to the point. Again, X1 protects the high-post while X4 moves to the ball-side block - short corner area.

Point-Zone Defense - rules, Partners Point-Zone Defense - Center's Rules

The Center's (X5) Rules

Diagram D shows how X5 moves as the ball moves. X5 is always in a line between the ball and the basket and fronts the low-post player.

X5's four rules are:
  1. X5 is always in a line between the ball and the basket.
  2. X5 always fronts the low-post player.
  3. X5 keeps the ball out of the middle.
  4. If the O5 low-post player goes out on the perimeter (as in a 5-out offense), X5 moves out and plays O5 man-to-man.

Start in a 2-3 zone

Each possession starts in a typical 2-3 zone set. If the ball is dribbled to the middle or point (diagram E), X1 points the ball, players rotate as described in diagram A above, and we now look like a 1-3-1 zone defense.

Point-Zone Defense - Starting in a 2-3 zone Point-Zone Defense - Starting in a 2-3 zone Point-Zone Defense - Starting in a 2-3 zone

If the ball is passed to the right wing (diagram F), X2 points the ball, and players follow the rotation rules described in diagram B above. If the ball is passed to the left wing (diagram G), X3 points the ball and players rotate as described in diagram C above.

Offense in a two-guard front

If the offense attacks with a two-guard front, just stay in a typical 2-3 zone defense.

X4 defends corner to corner

If the ball is passed from the wing to the corner (diagram H), X4 points the ball in the corner. Notice that X5 fronts the low-post, X2 rebounds the backside, X1 keeps the ball out of the middle, and X3 defends or denies the pass back to the wing, and helps close the seam if O4 dribble-penetrates.

Point-Zone Defense - ball in the corner, and rotation on reversal Point-Zone Defense - ball in the corner, and rotation on reversal Point-Zone Defense - ball in the corner, and rotation on reversal

If the ball reverses to the opposite side (diagram J), and if it is passed into the right corner, X4 would again point the ball in the right corner.

X1 Points the Pass from the Wing to the Top

If the ball is passed from the wing back to the point... (more in the members section).

Defending the Dribble to the Wing and Corner

Instead of passing to the wing, the offense may dribble to either wing... (more in the members section).

Defending Skip-Passes

All good zone offenses will use skip-passes in their attack. Generally, we defend the skip-pass by having... (more in the members section).

Teaching the Point-Zone Defense

When teaching this defense, demonstrate the basic... (more in the members section).

Final Comments

The point-zone defense can be very effective and confusing to the offense... (more in members section).

See the complete article in the members section.

The complete article also includes:
  • X1 Points the Pass from the Wing to the Top
  • Defending the Dribble to the Wing and Corner
  • Defending Skip-Passes
  • Teaching the Point-Zone Defense
  • Final Comments
  • And a detailed Animation!

Get Coach Smith's DVD:  Dean Smith's Point Zone Defense